Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bookish Academy Awards

I did just do a 2AM book awards, but I'm adapting the routine and from now on I'm thinking of posting on of these around the time of the Oscars. So, to refrain from being repetitive, I'm going to do an academy awards like the Oscars do it, including books of 2014 but also from the first two months of this year. Or else this will basically be a repeat. 

Best Actor-Best Male Protagonist:

This one is obvious. I was trying to think of one that wasn't going with default, but honestly there is no other like my Gansey. He's funny. He's nice but damaged and worrying and I just...gANSEY. Review here.

Best Actress - Best Female Protagonist: 

I told myself I would repeat the Raven Boys series and go with Blue Sargent, so I am going to chose the character I relate to the most. I don't know what it is about Gloria. All I know is that I related to her so much. She wasn't too much of anything, so she could easily come across as flat. But everything about her was me. And I liked that

Best Cinematography-Best Plot Twists:

Ha. Ha Ha. This book. Obviously I can't say what...but let's just say... wow. That's all. Lot's of major whAT moments. Read review here.

Best Costumes-Best Cover: 

This cover. I am a big fan of simplistic covers, and this one is gorgeous. In person, it's such a lovely cover and even when you take the jacket off the book it so pretty. 

Best Supporting Actor- Best Male Side Character.

Easiest award to give out. Nikolai Lanstov stole my heart with his heart and sass. He was funny without being the cookie cutter comic relief character. And in book three? Well. Read it. And have feelings with me. 

Best Supporting Actress-Best Female Side Character

This book. Oh my gosh. You can read my review here where I freak out a lot. Lou. Louise. L o u. Lou was snarky, but sad. She was everything I like in a female character. I wanted more of her. Oh, so much more,

Best Adapted Screenplay- Book to movie:

If I Stay is not my favorite book ever, but the book to movie combination was gorgeous. I would even go as far to say the movie made it better. The movie was great, and the ending phenomenal. I really enjoyed these.

Best Original Screenplay- Most Original and Complex story world:

This world has everything I love in a high fantasy world. Fae, and witches,and dragon things, and magic and good looking captain of the guards. 
Okay but really. These books were great, flaws and all. Review here.

Best Animated Movie-Best "Light and Fluffy" book:

This was a hard tie between Let's Get Lost and Since You've Been Gone. In the end I picked this one, because it was fluffier, and I got less from it, even though it gave me a lot of happiness. It was very easy to read, and left me smiling a whole lot. Review here.

Best Director- Favorite Author you Discovered

Marissa Meyer! I fell in love with her books the way you fall asleep. Slowly, but then not at all because you can't sleep because you're reading. I love her characters. Her settings. I love how Cinder was a NaNoWriMo novel, and how she connects to her fans and throws them parties and how authentic she is. 
It was hard not picking Maggie Steifvater, but I've been reading Maggie for longer than Marissa. And I've connected a lot more with Marissa this past year? And I love her.

Visual Effects-Action:

I really don't read a lot of action, so basically I picked the one that kept my heart racing. It probably didn't help that I read this late at night while our new fridge was making weird noises and I couldn't breathe,

Short film- Novella

Well hello again, Marissa. I've basically read two novellas? And this one stuck with me the most. It was... so good. So good. SO good. Levana was so messed up and this whole book was just a psychological heap of goodness.

Documentary- Historical Fiction:

I can't emphasize enough how much I love this book. I love the characters. The world. How you peek into their lives and fall in love with things of past, present, and future. This book, guys. This book.

Best Motion Picture- Best Standalone:

Okay yes, I did this book already. But if the Academy can give every award ever to Budapest Hotel I can give two awards to a really good book. I can't really say much about this book. It just made me happy. And it was beautiful. 

And tada! There are my favorite things. Let me know what books you'd give these awards to!


  1. Hey! Visiting from the GTW's link-up.
    Oh, I wish I had more time to spend on your blog right now. Like, maybe hours? It looks really interesting! I'm following now and I'll be back for more later. :)

    1. Aw thank you! There's not a whole lot right now, and a some in process but that's really encouraging.
