Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Girls at the Kingfisher Club by Genevieve Valentine

“The girls were wild for dancing, and nothing else. No hearts beat underneath those thin, bright dresses. They laughed like glass.

No, I'm not crying, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Emma, over at Of Starry Knights and Lullabies, and Bookishly Minded, got me obsessed with the 1920's. So when 2013 ended, we both went on this mega hunt to track down 1920's books. When I saw this one on goodreads and read the synopsis, I almost fainted. A 1920's....retelling of the twelve dancing princesses?? It sounded like something I would write. 

Guys. This book is so good. I did a readalong with Linnea, so it lasted quite a long time, and also meant I could really read slow and soak up all the words. And, this is the first book I've ever underlined. So that's special.

I am struggling so much to keep cool and refrain from the caps lock button and exclamation point key. I just loved it so much. Basically, it just passed up Breakfast Served Anytime at the top of my [favorite book] list. 



Genre: Historical fiction retelling
Feelings: -rocks back and forth sniffling- While not as heartbreaking as expected at the end, I definitely felt a lot.
Happiness: y e s
Cuteness:   y   e     s     s    s   ss s  s s s s. Sisterly and romantic.  Mainly sisterly.
Fast pacing: No? But it's a hard book to set down.
Series: No.
Read if you like: The Twelve Dancing Princesses, the 1920's, prohibition, magnificent sibling love, compatible sisters, fancy dresses, dancing
Content: Two characters do sleep together but honestly it was one of the most subtly written scenes ever, and it's off page.
In one sentence... Twelve sisters, one dangerously overprotective father, and many nights outside in the dance clubs, letting music and dresses wash away their worries...until police come and secrets are uncovered. 
Thoughts: The yellow glow of lights on the kingfisher dance floor, a stream of girls flowing from taxi cabs, and a small cigarette holder.
Messages: Family has the ability to be the best or worst thing.


Rating: 5/5 stars. 

This review has LIGHT SPOILERS. They're just about a certain character you hear about early on who show up later. Honestly, it's easy to predict though.

The Lovely Bits


The characters. Oh my goodness, the characters. Jo was a very well done protagonist. It's hard to get a likable main character without making her too Mary Jane. Jo was strong, flawed, and just so...Jo. And Lou? Lou was amazing. Lou stole my heart with her sass and anger...but also with the way she cared so much and just knew. All the sisters, even though most of them were skimmed over, stole my heart.

And Tom. Tom. Oh Tom. At first I'll admit I was eyerolling at first when he came up. I figured he'd come back and sweep her off her feet and they'd be married. Yeah well...

That....Tom....Just yeah. He was great. All of her characters, even side characters or characters you hated were done really well.

-Writing and Structure-

I've never encountered prose like this before. It wasn't extravagant or eloquent, but still gorgeous. Linnea described it perfectly as tight. It was very tight, which meant that each word was chosen carefully, and you could tell. It was such a pleasure to read. I loved the usage of parenthesis, as well. The whole thing was such a lovely way of writing.

The story itself was so beautiful. I instantly felt engaged with these girls and their lives, and squealed a whole lot whenever Jo would sigh and tell them "The cabs are here at midnight". The setting was so interesting to me, which sometimes is hard to do, with a general setting like New York. 

-Messages and Other-

I'm trying to tell myself right now not to hype it up, that it isn't for everyone...but I'm having trouble. This book. It has so many of my favorite things to find in books. 

Siblings. Strong female character who aren't swept away by every guy they meet. Almost whimsical settings. The whole "feeling trapped-let's sneak out and go do things" feel. And 1920's and fairy tale retelling. Have you got it yet? I love this book.

And the ending. Yeah. I am just very sad and pleased with this  book. I really do want more.

The Less Lovely Bits

Um. Why is this book under 300 pages. 

No really, I'm trying to think of something I didn't like, so I can be all "Critical reviewer"

Okay but I'm not a critical reviewer. I really loved this book. I think you should go read it. Now. And tell me what you think.

Okay! I thought of something I didn't like! It's adult fiction, which mean it costs 24 freakin dollars to buy. That's outrageous

Overall. So yeah I really liked this book, guys. If this sounds like something you would like to, then what are you waiting for?

My hearts been captured by a world of forbidden dancing and catalog dresses and quiet socked feet. And now I suddenly really want to learn how to dance.

1 comment:

  1. If you find somebody who can teach the Charleston, call me. I want to learn.

    Catalog dresses, catalog shoes. Yes, yes.
