Monday, September 14, 2015


Hey would you look at that. I'm back. I have posted two reviews the last two months and that's just sad. Why? Because that is basically all I have read.

I don't know if it's being busy or reading slumps. But for some reason I could not get through books and that saddened me. The school year has started and I am scheduling in reading time to my daily schedule. And today, I'm reflecting on a few things.

Because I missed reading. Because reading is important. 

And here I am again, hoping to restart this little 'ole blog of mine. For any people who actually regularly read my blog, first off, i love you.

Second off, here's some new expectations.

(This is not a subject I really probably need to make a blog post about, but mainly I want to get this out there to make it official so I actually do the things that I say I will)

I am going to try to post a review weekly. I don't know how fast I will be going through books, but no matter what I want to get reviews posted weekly, and if things go as planned, two a week. This means pre-writing a lot.

I want to do more fun posts like Season reads, or recommendations based off of random things.

I want to get this blog up to a semi-professional level (as much as I can get, knowing me) where I can actually get things read. I've been extremely blessed by my local bookstore to receive arcs, and I hope to let this continue so I can get more serious in reviewing.

And there you have it. my hopes and dreams for this year. If you feel called to, pressure me. Nag me. Make sure I get it done.

1 comment:

  1. 3 things,
    1. YES! So excited to read more reviews from you!
    2. Don't feel like you owe your readers anything, we owe you.
    3. Here's a link to the girl's blog, who re-did-up my blog, if you want to get her help making your blog look more professional;)
    She's super nice, and I bet she'll help you out with formatting and stuff!
